Welcome to the Dropout Classicist!

Salvete! Χαιρετε! Greetings!

You have stumbled across my newsletter. I hope you stick around! This is a place for me to write essays, articles and general musings about the Classical World. Anything from wonderful Bronze Age vases, Roman poetry, Greek mythology, philosophy, literature, history and anything in between.

Who even are you?

S.J. Cheesebrough (me, anonymous) is one of the internet’s least professional Classicists. I studied it, started a degree in it, then suddenly had to drop out of University. Ever since, I have continued to study Classics, my primary focuses being on Greece and the Bronze Age, though I try to stay as rounded in the subject as possible.

So, as I continued to read, I felt I needed to write. I am one of those odd people who actually enjoyed writing essays back in school, and especially in my degree, so to keep it up I started this substack! A beautiful byproduct of my creative desire is that you, dear reader, may learn a thing or two from my ramblings, or maybe just find my work entertaining. Either way, I am happy you are here.

What should I expect?

I am not great at sticking to an exact schedule with my writing, but I always try to finish at least one article per week which I typically post on the weekends. I hope you understand that I may not always manage this, but I am writing this purely for fun!

As per the articles themselves, typically they are between 1000-1500 words for a pleasant 5 minute read with a coffee, tea, or maybe even a goblet of honeyed wine. Topics may vary, and I try not to cover the same things twice. Plus, they are all driven by things that interest me, and typically based on what I am reading in the moment. If there is anything you would like me to discuss or cover, feel free to leave a comment! I am very open to suggestions, and enjoy the challenge of reading on things I don’t know much about.

A mild disclaimer: I am not a professional Classicist. I would love to take up academia again and work to become one, and so I aim to include as much diligence and research in everything here as I would in academia. This does not mean I am always correct! If there is something I say that you find issue with, please be kind about it. When relevant, I do try to leave sources at the bottom of articles.

Finally, I currently do not accept money for my writing here. If you wish to leave a pledge, you are more than welcome to. A free subscription is all I would ever ask, and if you wish to support my work more, I would love it if you shared my work to other people!

Thank you for reading this about section!

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Classics Dropout who couldn't resist writing more about the Ancient World


if my nose isn't in a book from over 2000 years ago, then i am probably writing an essay on ancient pottery or something || runs the Dropout Classicist